RSP PMS Search Cheat Sheet
Search tool Syntax Notes Examples
Quotes "…" Encasing a search term in quotes will search for that exact phrase. "LONDON TERMINALS"
Wildcards * Wildcards can be used to match any number of characters.
Please note that wildcards cannot be used at the start of a search term.
Substitutions ? Individual characters in a search term may be substituted with the '?' character. TY? = TYB, TYC, TYG, TYP, TYS, TYW (CRS codes)
Can be used for multiple spaces
All *:* Using this term will return every entity in the current area in the PMS system.
AND Term1 AND Term2
Term1 && Term2
Terms may be combined when searching for entities by specifying different attributes of a single entity. "Railway Station" && HORN*
Newcastle AND "London Terminals"
} Can be combined
OR Term1 OR Term2
Term1 Term2
Matching against any one of a number of search terms may be achieved by Newcastle OR "London Terminals"
107200 149200 = London Terminals, Aylesbury
Origin to Destination Origin >> Destination This can be used exclusively when searching for Flows by specifying both Origin and Destination Locations. Newcastle >> "London Terminals"
"Bath *" >> "London Terminals"
107200 >> 327100
Facet Filters Facets can be used to filter from the current search results.
They can also be used to 'pin' criteria whilst changing the search terms
Bookmarks Since search criteria are contained in the url query string, searches can be bookmarked in your browser for convenient reference.