The Bulk Copy utility allows multiple Manual Timetable services in a day/date set to be copied en mass to a new day/date set. For example, a Monday-Friday timetable can be copied to create a Saturday service, or a timetable for January-April can be copied to May-August.

In the PMS Manage Manual Services area, use the search and filter functions to identify a single day/date set for the route in question. Select those services you wish to copy then click on the Bulk Copy button.


In the new display click on the “Add date” button then fill in the start/end dates and days of the week for the first new day/date set. Click on the Add date button to add any further day/date sets, until all required periods have been done.

When all required edits are complete, click on the “Save manual services” button. The selected services will then be saved to Draft.

Go to the Data Management menu and select “Drafts” to show the services just saved. Use the check boxes select the drafts, then click on “Run validation”. Next, click on “Submit draft” to make the new services live.

Detailed instructions, including example screenshots, can be found in the PMS Online Help: PMS Screen User Guides > Timetables > Manual Services – Bulk Copy.